Monday, July 6, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

It's been a few days since my last post ... I've been busy! We got to Colorado on Friday and stayed at Kelly and Scott's house. More importantly, I met two new friends, Kobi and Suki. We had some disagreements at first but then I heard what they were saying and they found out what Barry was all about and we worked it out. Now we all bark at the window when someone comes to the door or someone walks by.

On Saturday we went on a walk and I got to run through fields (even though dad told me not to) and jump in a stream (even though mom got worried I would get sick). But that was only the start of the fun! On Sunday we climbed a mountain! It was all mom could talk about on the trip and we did it! There were rocks and streams and even snow! I know what you're thinking ... it's the summertime. I got shaved and everything but there was snow. You know I ran in it too. I even met another chocolate Labradoodle named Rex. I was super tired afterwards but I felt like a new dog!

I've posted some photos below, mostly of me looking awesome. We are going to head out Tuesday. I'll let you know all the cool stuff that happens between now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Young Barry is a handsome lad!

    (From another Barry Campbell who blogs - and hangs out with an elderly Chow Chow.)
