Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bon Voyage, Raleigh!

Sorry I've been away from the blog for so long. Mom and Dad didn't have the Interweb at home and then I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house so I was too busy playing with Auggie and Foster.

Things were almost all packed up when I left my house. Now Mom and Dad are here and they said they have everything! I'll post a picture of our sweet ride. There's the car and a trailer. Hopefully, I get to ride in the car. I guess the old place is empty, which is OK because it didn't have a yard. Our new place does, so that's way better. So I guess that's it for Raleigh. No more dog park, no more runs through Cameron Village, and no more squirrels running all around our house. I never did catch one ...

I went in the lake today with a new toy that Mom bought me. I'll miss the lake; I get so excited when I get to go in. Mom and Dad said we could go to the coast in Oregon! Most importantly, they got me a new bag of my favorite dog food for the trip so I am good to go.

We leave Tuesday. I'll write again later, there's a bird out back.

1 comment:

  1. Barry, my mom got me one of those same new water toys, too! Love, Jax
